There are 5 Gate Visa for Turkish citizens. For those who travel with gate visa can travel only one island as much as the documented stay duration in any date with maximum of 7 days.

Distance Sales Contract

Distance Sales Contract





(The legal entities mentioned below will be referred to as '''' for short)

Tax Office FETHIYE

Tax Number 7340926814



Registered Electronic Mail Address (KEP):

Tel : +90 252 614 34 34


2. Natural or legal persons who purchase tickets through either by themselves or through someone else (natural person, tourism agency or broker) will be referred to as "PASSENGER".


It includes the rules for the sale of passenger and vehicle tickets for all international ferry and ship voyages and related services that Tilos Travel organizes and / or markets and mediates, and the determination of the responsibilities of the parties. The Passenger accepts that he/shee has DELIVERED the ticket subject to the contract at the moment he/she finalizes the ticket order specified in this contract through the website and accepts that he/she has receivd the service fully. Tilos Travel and the Passenger are deemed to have accepted and undertaken that they will comply with the rules in the contract and fulfill their obligations upon delivery.


This agreement shall be valid until the end of the year following the issuance and electronic approval process, and the term of the agreement may be extended by new acquisitions of the parties.


The transportation of passengers and baggage by the Carrier on this voyage is subject to the rules of the Turkish Commercial Code governing Maritime Trade, the rules set in the 1974 Athens Convention and the following standard forms and rules of "Tilos Travel". The mentioned rules and conditions regulate the liability of the Carrier and will be limited in many cases. The Passenger is deemed to have accdepted all of these rules in advance.

A. Use of Passenger Ticket:

The ticket entitles the passenger to boarding and alighting only for the journey written on it. Tickets that are not used by the passenger on time are invalid and do not entitle the passenger to boarding even for another trip. The accuracy of the information on the ticket is deemed to be accepted when the ticket is purchased. Subsequent objections are invalid. In the event that the person presenting the ticket cannot prove that he/she is the person in the "Passenger Name" section of the ticket, the Carrier reserves the right to confiscate such a ticket and refuse to accept the passenger on board. Passengers who lose their tickets are obliged to purchase a new ticket.

B. Boarding Procedures:

The passenger, with his/her ticket issued in his/her name, must arrive at Tilos Travel Check-in offices at least 30 minutes prior the departure time of the ship, and 90 minutes before the departure time for passengers with vehicles, in order to allow the necessary procedures, boarding and departure procedures to be completed. Tilos Travel ends the check-in procedures 20 minutes before the departure of the ship. Tilos Travel will cancel the place reserved for the Passenger and will not delay the voyage If the Passenger does not arrive on time at the place where the Carrier has started the boarding procedures or at the boarding gate, or does not have the necessary documents for the journey or is not ready for the journey (including not having the documents required by the countries and the documents required for passage),. The Carrier's right to the ticket arising from the Passenger's failure to comply with the conditions of this clause shall become invalid. The Passenger agrees in advance that his/her ticket will be canceled and no refund will be made due to failure to comply with the deadlines or not having sufficient transit documents. The passenger who is ready for the voyage must be on board the ship 10 minutes before the departure time, having completed all customs formalities (including passport and customs controls) and ready for the voyage.

C. Baggage Rules:

Unless otherwise agreed, the passenger is not obliged to pay a fee other than the transportation fee for the baggage that can be carried on board the ship at one time by one's own hand in accordance with the contract of carriage. The passenger may carry only one suitcase or handbag on board during the voyage. Other baggage will be registered by the relevant ship personnel and kept in a safe place. Passenger may not keep fragile and spendable items, money, jewelry, precious metals, silverware, bills or other commercial valuable papers, passports and other identity documents or samples in his/her checked baggage. The Carrier shall not be held liable for any damage arising from the presence of the items listed in this article in the Baggage. Baggage losses cannot be claimed from the Carrier. In accordance with international rules; Tilos Travel has the right to refuse to carry for items that are not accepted as Baggage. The compensatşon rules for making changes as carrier denial issues are invalid.

D. Behavior on Board:

The Passenger is obliged to obey all instructions of the Master regarding the order on board. If the Passenger behaves on board the vessel in such a manner as to endanger the vessel or any person or property, or prevents the crew from performing their duties, or fails to comply with the instructions of the crew, or causes reasonable objections from other Passengers, Tilos Travel and the crew may take any measures they deem necessary to prevent the continuation of such behavior, including restraining the Passenger. For any reason whatsoever, the ship's captain reserves the right to "Refuse Carriage" of Passenger, Vehicle and Cargo in accordance with International Rules. The Passenger is deemed to have accepted in advance that he/she may not be accepted to the ship in line with the decision to be taken by the Ship Personnel, and that the customer's indemnification provisions regarding the rejection of Tilos Travel or the Ship Personnel are invalid.

E. Carriage of Pets with Passenger:

Acceptance of pet transportation is subject to the Passenger assuming full responsibility for the pet. The Carrier shall not be liable for the death, illness, delay or loss or injury of the pet or for any expenses and other damages that may arise therefrom. Owners are also responsible for all food and beverage needs of pets.

Chios Island : For passage with pets, written confirmation must be obtained from the veterinarian in Chios by sending your travel date, your pet's Microchip number, a copy of the vaccination certificate, pet information and the owner's information to the e-mail address '' '' 2 (two) working days in advance.

Lesvos Island  : For passage with your pet, it is sufficient to have your pet's Microchip number, Vaccination report copy, pet information and owner's information with you. Except for the current situation, it is accepted by the parties that Tilos Travel does not accept responsibility in case of changes in Greek and Turkish pet transportation rules.

 F. Schedule and Cancellations:

Tilos Travel is obliged to fulfill its announced schedules and undertakes to make the necessary efforts to transport the Passenger Vehicle and Baggage within a reasonable time. Tilos Travel reserves the right to withdraw from the contract, to change the navigation schedules, to continue or interrupt the transportation in extraordinary and force majeure situations (weather and sea conditions, disabling of port facilities, voyage blocking by the administration, epidemic measures, strikes, etc.). Unconditional full refund will be made to the passenger for the flights that cannot be realized due to weather conditions.

G. Refusal of Transportation

Tilos Travel may refuse to carry Passengers, Vehicles and Baggage for security reasons or at its discretion in the following and similar cases. The carrier reserves the right to refuse transportation if the Passenger presents any risk or danger to other persons or property, fails to comply with the carrier's instructions, refuses a security check, or any person who has procured a ticket in violation of applicable laws or the carrier's fare schedules or rules. It is stricly forbidden to carry all kinds of flammable, explosive and radioactive cargoes, etc. within the scope of the international "IMDG Code" convntion on the carriage of dangerous cargoes at sea. It is forbidden to carry dangerous cargoes, firearms and ammunition used for purposes other than hunting and sports, breakable or perishable items or items that are not suitable for transportation in the opinion of the Carrier in terms of weight and size. Childrşen under 16 years of age may only travel accompanied by a companion. According to the Carrier's rules, the admission of unaccompanied minors, Passengers in need of assistance, pregnant women or sick persons for carriage may be subject to prior agreement and arrangements with Tilos Travel. Tilos Travel cannot be held liable for any deterioration in the medical condition of such a Passenger during travel.


The passenger accepts and undertakes in advance that all passenger and vehicle tickets purchased directly or indirectly through and its sales channels are "within the scope of the exemption of passenger transportation companies" specified in Section 2 - H of the Distance Contracts Regulation published in the official gazette on November 27, 2014, and that there is no right of withdrawal. All passengers who buy a ticket accept in advance that they purchase the ferry ticket knowing that they do not have the right of withdrawal in accordance with the regulation, as well as that the ticket cancellation refund or credit card will not be refunded, and that they cannot request a refund.

The Passenger accepts that he/she has purchased the service fully and completely after purchasing the Ticket. In the event that he/she cannot attend or participate in the voyage for any reason whatsoever, he/she agrees in advance that he/she cannot claim that he/she has not purchased the service and that he/she will not / cannot request a refund through the banks.

The passenger cannot transfer the ticket with his/her name written on it to someone else, cannot make it available for the use of someone else, cannot request a name change.

The passenger cannot request the cancellation or refund of all tickets subject to the contract. Tilos Travel does not cancel or refund. Only up to 48 hours before the departure time, date / time change or suspension can be made for 1 time only. The validity period of the suspended tickets is 6 months. After 6 months from the issue date of the ticket, the unused ticket is automatically canceled. The passenger cannot make a claim for canceled tickets. The passenger must prove that he/she has an open ticket with the document in his/her hand. Tickets within 48 hours of the departure time cannot be suspended and the departure cannot be changed.

Tilos Travel undertakes to provide travel services to passengers with tickets issued from the website and box offices within the framework of Tilos Travel Passenger and Vehicle Transportation Rules.

Tilos Travel will provide telephone and IT support to provide information about the trip when needed.

After the completion of the ticket purchase process; the parties agree in advance to comply with the ticket sales rules published on the website.

Passengers are obliged to register their mobile numbers in the system. In the event that incomplete or incorrect mobile phone number information is provided to the system, the responsibility arising from the lack of information belongs to the passenger.

The passenger cannot request the cancellation and refund of the passenger ticket by citing the VISA REJECTION from the Consulates. He/she cannot request a name change related to this request.

Passengers who are not allowed to board the ship by the authorities of both countries or who cannot travel for any valid reason are not refunded the ticket fee and are not allowed to use the ticket again.

The passenger accepts in advance all transportation rules in the information letter sent to him/her after the ticket purchase and all rules in the contract.

Tilos Travel may change some or all of these transportation rules when deemed necessary.


By purchasing this ticket, the passenger agrees to the terms and conditions announced by Tilos Travel on the website, '' Tilos Travel is deemed to have accepted the "Passenger and Vehicle Transportation Agreement" in advance.

The passenger is obliged to check the accuracy of the trip and passenger information on the ticket.

Tickets are personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else. No cancellation / refund is made for any reason whatsoever.

The passenger must arrive at the Tilos Travel Check-in offices at least 30 minutes before the departure time of the ship, and 90 minutes before the departure time for passengers with vehicles, in order to allow the check-in procedures to be completed. Tilos Travel ends the check-in procedures 20 minutes before the departure of the ship. The passenger must be on board the ship 10 minutes before the departure time, having completed all customs formalities and ready to travel.

Passengers with vehicles, if their vehicles are registered in the name of someone else; must bring a notary power of attorney. If the vehicle is registered in the name of the company; they must bring a signature circular or power of attorney showing that they are authorized to sign.

Passengers with vehicles must have international "Green Insurance" (insurance that valid in Greece and Turkey) for their vehicles.

Tilos Travel does not cancel or refund tickets. Only up to 48 hours prior the departure timeonly for 1 time, date / time change or suspension can be made. Tickets that are 48 hours before the departure time cannot be suspended and the departure cannot be changed.

The validity period of the suspended tickets arfe 6 months. Tickets that are not used after 6 months from the ticket issue date are automatically become invalid.

In cases where the passenger is prevented from traveling due to judicial, administrative, visa regime, the vehicle he/she wants to take with him/her, pet or for any reason whatsoever, the service contract is terminated and the passenger's refund request is not accepted.

All passports (including green passports) must be valid for at least 90 days from the date of entry.

Regular passport holders must have a Schengen Visa covering the dates of travel, which does not exceed the number of entries and the duration of stay.

Passport holders with the K.K.T.R. entry in their passport are not admitted to Greece.

The passenger accepts that he/she is responsible for a valid travel document and must cover all damages incurred by Tilos Travel due to the lack of a valid travel document.


Every passenger who has purchased a ticket to travel on our ships is deemed to have accepted all of the above provisions in full. The Carrier reserves the right to make changes in fares, schedules and sailing days without prior notice. If certain provisions of the contract are held invalid, none of the remaining provisions shall be invalidated. No agent, staff or representative of the Carrier is authorized to change or cancel the provisions of this contract.


In order to ensure transportation, passengers are obliged to comply with the conditions and legislation in force. The Passenger entering Greece accepts and undertakes that there is no TRNC entry/exit stamp in his/her passport, that his/her travel document is valid in the country of destination, and that his/her visa has valid conditions that will not prevent his/her passage on the date of travel. Otherwise, if any administrative sanction is imposed against Tilos Travel by any state authority, the Passenger agrees and undertakes to pay a penal clause of at least 5.000 (five thousand) Euros in addition to the material and moral damages suffered by Tilos Travel.


This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the Republic of Turkey and in case of any dispute arising from the terms of this Agreement, the Istanbul Consumer Arbitration Committee or Istanbul Courts and MUĞLA - FETHİYE Enforcement Directorates shall be authorized, taking into account the limits in the law.

This contract consists of 9 (Nine) main articles and its validity starts with electronic approval on the date of ticket purchase.

Tilos Travel Passenger

Stamp Authorized Signature Electronic Approval